Thank you for your interest in the services and programs of Bridges Community Action Partnership. As a part of the application process, we are required to inform you that there is an appeals process for services denied. The individual will be provided with the Appeal Form to complete and return to the Executive Director. See above button.
1. Customers will be allowed up to sixty (60) days following notification of application denial, or up to ninety (90) days following the date of application fi the application has not been processed, to file an appeal by completing na "Appeal Form." The letter of appeal form must contain the following: claimant's name, address, telephone number, social security number, reason for the appeal, and the applicant's signature and be addressed to the Executive Director.
2. Claimants must be notified ni writing of the appeals within twenty-one (21) working days of the date the appeal was received.
3. Claimants wishing to further their appeal shall be allowed up to ten (10) days to request a formal hearing which provides for full disclosure of file documentation and the claimant's right of due process. Bridges shall schedule the hearing before the Board of Directors within twenty-one (21) days after notification of a request for a hearing. The hearing shall be held at a mutually convenient time and place and a hearing officer shall be appointed who was not involved ni the decision to be appealed.
4. Claimants must be notified in writing of the decision within ten (10) days of the date of the hearing. Al decisions at this level are final.
1. Bridges would need to be contacted ni either written or verbal form stating the foundation for the complaint.
2. The complaint would then go to staff supervisor who will review the complaint with those individuals involved
with execution of the services.
3. Are solution would be sought by the staff supervisor with the client to rectify the situation.
4. If the client is not satisfied with the resolution the complaint would then be referred to the Executive Director.